We’ll let you into a secret…
…We’re not (currently) using anything that you haven’t already got in your pocket!
Resourcing your website and social media with quality images is important, and by taking them ourselves we can make sure we don’t face any copyright infringements!
A selection of recent images from our camera roll…
What is in yours that could be used?
Let’s build something together.
Photography has been a hobby of ours for a while and, like many of you, there hasn’t been a day in more than a decade that we haven’t had a camera with us…
For a long time that was a DSLR and we had a daily challenge to take new photos and learn new skills, thinking about framing and aperture and shutter speeds and rules of thirds… But today much of that can be done by the mobile phone in our pockets!
Between us we can help resource your organisation with original images of real people, with custom images that showcase your work and high quality photos that catch peoples’ attention on your website and social media platforms.